Sunday, January 24, 2010

Joes Mission

So we sit and think and think of what and why? I guess if you really think about it there are questions for everything in life. My mission and what I want out of my mission has open a lot of doors for me. When I first came into the class my goal was to start my own Audio and video recording studio which I have been building for years. I am actually to the point that I can handle pretty big clientele. The more I think about it, I don't want to just limit my self to just Audio and video. I want to be able to be open for any multimedia platform. Though the passion towards music will still be there. I guess I would say I would like to offer Website, Demo kits , Audio and video recording, and any other multimedia needs that can coincide with the music industry. First I would have to see what kind of market is here in Indy. Second I would have to see where will be the hot spots to market to try to obtain more clientele. Then having competitive pricing in the area. staying trained on all of the new technology will also be a big task also. Once you get busy all the time and tring to make sure that you and your staff are trained in all the new Adobe or cakewalk. There is a lot to think about and I think I will shut up for now and see what everyone else is talking about.....


  1. Joe

    I am finding there are no limitations when it comes to new media. I am often asked the question what is new media? People seem to have a very different answer for the very same question. I was also here during the Mary Cable Days. I have been going to school ever since I graduated back in 1997. My answer to the question; "What is new media?" would be well you know anything that has to do with media such as websites, TV, newspapers, magazines, videos, music, etc. However, I am sure there are a lot more things out there that relate to new media. I try to relate things often to what most people already know and love. I want to wish you the best of luck in starting your own company. I have often found that I might like to start my own company. However, I also know the challenges that one must face in order to get started. If you find the answer to; “Is there a market for new media in Indianapolis?” let me know. I often find the market is much bigger in areas of New York, Chicago, IL, California, and Florida. I have really thought about moving to another location if I would find a higher paying job. My goal is to find something that allows me to be creative and I also want to be able to connect with others. I often find myself wanting the work place to become almost like a second family in many ways.


  2. You have great understanding of how to initialize a company, the research that it requires and the management to run it. Don't you think providing audio, video, web, print and all those services would be a challenge to start off with ?

  3. I think you are well on your way to getting to have the life you have always wanted. I know how hard it is to find the balance needed to keep everything running smooth, but once you find it you should be able to be successful and turn this dream into reality.
